$5.00 per 16oz. jar.
Some of the herbal jellies on this page are temporarily out of stock until the summer months!!! Call to check which flavors are available.
currently out of stock
Herbal jellies, like herbal vinegars, are a great way to enjoy the flavor of fresh herbs long after the snow has covered the herb garden. Their taste is more pungent than that of dried herbs.Use is not limited to spreading on toast and biscuits; they also make a wonderful accompaniment to meats, can zip up glazes, can be spread over cream cheese on crackers as an appetizer or can be spread under whipped cream as a cake frosting.The following is a list of the jellies I am offering at this time.
1. Cinnamon- Cherry Jelly, also good with fruit dishes and salty meats.
2.Basil-Clove Jelly, alsogood with beef roasts, poultry, fish,and ham.
3. Orange Mint Jelly, also excellent with Chinese foods and baked chicken.
5. Peachey Pepper Jam, a mildly spicey unique combination of flavors (it is also wonderful spread over cream cheese on club crackers)
6. Old World Grape Jam, it's uniquely flavorful taste comes from ancient vines